Monday, April 29, 2013


Strength – Saves your information, when you are registered and you don’t have to enter it several times "Loyallist", Personalized homepage and E-mails, Sends promotional emails
Weakness – if you are not registered your information won’t be saved
Opportunities – Drive more customers to the website, more suggestions while shopping
Threats –Privacy issues

Strength – Customer service available by phone or email, product reviews are available, you can also share the products through your Twitter, Pinterest or Facebook accounts
Weaknesses – No live chat with customer service
Opportunities Live chat while shopping, Customer service not 24/7
Threats – Their competitors provide live chat with customers

Strength - Keeps track of recently viewed items and provides suggestions based on pages customer has visited, Friendly reminders of shopping cart, past purchase history
Weaknesses – Doesn’t suggest items based on what you are shopping for
Opportunities - Suggest more personalized items while shopping, in different categories 
Threats – Competitors create entire looks based on one item while shopping

Strength – Easy to navigate, many filters while shopping, search bar, real-time of when product will be shipped
Weakness - Doesn't have video clip of items 
Opportunities – Video clip to see item on a real person
Threats – Their competitors now offer to veiw an item on a real person

Strength – A customer can easily find all the information needed about the product when view it and about the company as well. Social media options at the bottom of the screen
Weaknesses – Difficult to access their customer service
Opportunities – More social media options should be presented on the site
Threats – Major competitors already have live chat with customer service


Strength – Good quality images, fast download speed, quick Brown Bag updates
Weaknesses – No video of products
Opportunities – Video on the product is important since so many companies have it now
Threats – Competitor companies offer videos of the product while browsing    

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